Thursday, July 23, 2009


It's time.
Time to put the fist through the glass; to take the whole and shatter it. Time to feel its fragments rend flesh and muscle and the sinew that connects them to their base. Time to scream with pain and rage and anger and frustration. Time to reopen the wounds that scarred over and never healed. Time to let the blood flow and wash out the the filth that collected beneath; to let them mend with strength and grace and wear the newly glistening scars as reminders..... Time to find the legs beneath that lost their footing and gave way.
Time. Time to feel and be felt; and time to know the hurt of others- their losses, their loneliness, their anger, anxieties and the invisibility of being. Time to find the strength to shoulder each burden and to walk with those whose load you choose to carry for them at time in shared journeys.
Time to stand, broken and lost and put it together again,a better restored version of the battered original.

1 comment:

Nannette said...

Indeed. Long overdue.